(|TO_MY_KNEES|)SENT: 17:35
hoi hoi?
(|nicholas_niner|)SENT: 17:37
oops eye am here hello
(|TO_MY_KNEES|)SENT: 17:38
im looking around for it now
(|HeyItzHera|)SENT: 17:38
(|TO_MY_KNEES|)SENT: 17:38
wasnt expecting to see
whats up?
(|nicholas_niner|)SENT: 17:39
(|HeyItzHera|)SENT: 17:38
well uh!
im good but very zurprized by thiz
who um
who iz that...
the yellow perzon
(|TO_MY_KNEES|)SENT: 17:43
thats my friend nick!
(|nicholas_niner|)SENT: 17:45
uh, hi
(|HeyItzHera|)SENT: 17:38
huh wait are you that um
like guitar player mona keepz tagging in my VST poztz
(|TO_MY_KNEES|)SENT: 17:49
yup yup thats nick!
nick found some use in them
pretty useful methinky
but yah this is my friend nick! nick doesnt use any pronouns
also is a little bit shy
(|HeyItzHera|)SENT: 17:38
oh zweet
hi nick i promize im nice, my namez hera
i uze she/he or he/she or whatever
(|nicholas_niner|)SENT: 17:56
nice to meet you
(|TO_MY_KNEES|)SENT: 17:57
hera is a total tech nerrrrrd
actually its extremely lucky that we ran into you because i have no clue where to go from here
see, nick here lost some packets to an image, and we're trying to get them back and put them together
(|HeyItzHera|)SENT: 17:38
oh i zee!
hmm, i dont know if i can zee az much az you can but I can try looking through zome things.
by the way, have you zpoken to the gooberz at all recently?
(|TO_MY_KNEES|)SENT: 18:07
you calling them the goobers is funny to me
why do you ask?
(|HeyItzHera|)SENT: 17:38
oh nothing i just left the zerver iz all
zo i waz just wondering
(|TO_MY_KNEES|)SENT: 18:07
what caused this???
(|HeyItzHera|)SENT: 17:38
oh nothing i juzt felt i waz drifting away from the rezt yknow
like i waz juzt ztaying there for yoshi, and only talking to her
we moved to private chatz, zo i had no purpoze to ztay in that zerver
i think yoshiz ztill in there but i dont wanna be in there anymore
(|TO_MY_KNEES|)SENT: 18:07
i mean it is mostly a meme server
so i can see why you wouldnt want to stay there
not a lot of conversation
(|HeyItzHera|)SENT: 17:38
(|nicholas_niner|)SENT: 18:14
as in transgirlyoshiii?
(|HeyItzHera|)SENT: 17:38
uh huh
do you know her?
(|nicholas_niner|)SENT: 18:14
oh yes eye do, we share some interests
(|HeyItzHera|)SENT: 17:38
oh nice
i wouldnt be zurprized, shez very zociable, way more than i am at least
(|TO_MY_KNEES|)SENT: 17:57
those two are
they talk about nothing but music
(|HeyItzHera|)SENT: 17:38
hahaha well im glad youre getting along well with my wife
(|nicholas_niner|)SENT: 17:37
me too
(|TO_MY_KNEES|)SENT: 17:57
awkward lol
(|nicholas_niner|)SENT: 17:37
oh sorry
(|HeyItzHera|)SENT: 17:38
nah itz not awkward
if anyone here doeznt know how to communicate itz me
(|TO_MY_KNEES|)SENT: 17:57
ò ô
(|HeyItzHera|)SENT: 17:38
well maybe not but you get the zentiment
anyway i found the ztuff youre looking for
lookz like itz kinda buried in here
zorry nick but you might not be able to zee the rest of it?
we can try to pull you in though
(|nicholas_niner|)SENT: 18:18
oh sure tell me what to do
(|TO_MY_KNEES|)SENT: 18:20
just dive in, like this
(|nicholas_niner|)SENT: 18:18
(|HeyItzHera|)SENT: 17:38
zorry i dont think it knowz how to explain thiz very well
hit ctrl+u
or command if youre on like, mac
you might have to zcroll down a lot
(|nicholas_niner|)SENT: 18:18
oh eye see, thank you